Saturday, October 19, 2019

Keeping Things Organized

One of the biggest issues at camp is keeping things AND leaders organized. Not just in terms of what we need for each activity, schedule and meals to name a few but also who is running what and when do they have to be there.

Using the booklets helps our units immensely in keeping us all organized but one of the other things we use is a PROGRAM WORKSHEET. It basically outlines who, what, when, how and what you need. Below is an example of this sheet filled in for our upcoming camp;


Yes, this takes a little more time initially but in the long run it saves us a ton of headaches! We post it up in the leader room or main hall of where we are having our camp so that each leader has access to it. As well it is sent out ahead of time so leaders know ahead of time where they need to be.

Want to try it out? I'm all about sharing so here is a nice clean, blank copy for you!! Let me know how it works out for you and your group of leaders

Program Worksheet Template

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